Click here for a printable membership form. 





Section 1.  In General.  This corporation, through its Board of Directors, shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of a prospect applicant for membership in this corporation, as well as of the continuing qualifications of its individual and firm members.

Section 2.  Voting Membership.  To be eligible (a) for election to voting membership in this corporation; and, (b) to continue to enjoy voting membership herein a lawyer must qualify under subsection (A) or (B) of this Section 2 as follows:

A.  Private Practice Counsel:
(1) Must be a member in good standing of the bar of at least one State (or the District of Columbia) of the United States of America;
(2) Must be in private practice and engaged in private trial or litigation work (or have an interest in trial or litigation primarily for civil defendants), and devote a majority (over 50%) of his professional trial or litigation practice to the representation of civil defendants; and,
(3) Must have manifested a genuine interest in, and commitment to, the purposes of this corporation as expressed in Article II of these By-Laws.


B.  Corporate and/or Governmental Counsel:
(1) Must be a member in good standing of the bar of at least one State (or the District of Columbia) of the United States of America; 
(2) Must be employed by or affiliated as counsel with a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, governmental agency, or other legal entity as may be deemed qualified by the Board of Directors; and 
(3) Must have manifested a genuine interest in, and commitment to, the purposes of this corporation as expressed in Article II of these By-Laws.


Section 3.  Law Student Membership.  To be eligible (a) for election to law student membership in this corporation, and (b) to continue to enjoy law student membership herein, a law student:
 A.   Must be currently enrolled in an accredited law school; and 
 B.  Must have manifested a genuine interest in, and commitment to, the purposes of this corporation as expressed in Article II of these By-Laws.


Click here for a full copy of the MODL By-Laws.

101 E. High Street, Suite 200
P.O. Box 1072
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Map to Our Location

(573) 636-6100
